Vilamoura Weather in August


24ºC /75ºF

Temp. High

29ºC /84ºF

Temp. Low

18ºC /64ºF


12 hrs


3 mm/0 days

UV Index


Weather in Vilamoura in August

Average Temperature in August

The hottest time of the year is typically early to mid-August, when highs are around 30ºC and temperatures rarely drop below 20ºC at night .The average temperature is about 24ºC. Towards the end of the month the temperatures will start to slightly decrease but still be warm. The highest recorded temperature in Vilamoura in August was 30ºC. Temperatures are always milder near the sea, you only have to travel inland for a few kilometres to notice a significant increase.


Similar to June and July it rarely rains during August in Vilamoura. In 2021 there were no rainfall days during August.

Sunshine hours

The sun shines on average during 12 hours per day in August and you get another two hours of daylight. Very long days to enjoy the beach, pool and other leisure activities available in Vilamoura.

Sea Temperature

You can expect the ocean temperature to be around 21ºC (70ºF). August is the busiest time for the beaches in the Algarve and Vilamoura is no exception. Water sports, boat trips and any water related activities will book up fairly quick. Make sure to arrive early or pre-book everything including parasols and sun-loungers on the beach.

UV Index

Like the other summer months in Vilamoura, during August you really need to protect yourself against UV exposure, the index is 9 – very high. Drink plenty of water, look for shade during the hottest hours of the day and use suncream with a high factor at least a SPF 30. Sunglasses, hats and UV swimsuits for kids are mandatory.

What´s Vilamoura like in August

Vilamoura is hot, crowded and also really fun in August. The rest of Portugal is basically on holiday and the Algarve is a Portuguese favourite for the school holidays. You will encounter tourists from all over world especially beach goers and families during this month. The golf courses will have little or no reservations due to the excessive heat. Everything in August should be booked in advance dinner reservations, attractions, transportation (hire cars especially), tours and water sport activities. Vilamoura is perfect for sun lovers, beach goers, party animals, families and young tourists. Not the best month for outdoor sports such as golf or cycling due to excessive heat.

What to wear in August

Wear lightweight materials, like linen, in light colours. Shorts, sandals, t-shirts and beach wear is essential. At night smart casual or just casual around the marina is fine.

Things to do in Vilamoura in August

Vilamoura Events in August

  • 2022 events to be advised