Vilamoura Weather
The Algarve has a Mediterranean climate and the weather in Vilamoura is great all year round. It provides the perfect climate for anyone seeking a relaxing holiday. Winter months are the coldest months with an average of 17ºC while in summer it is sweltering hot and can reach up to 38ºC.
With 3 out of 4 seasons having a 300+ days average sunshine you can wear light clothing from May to November during daytime. Rain is rare and usually in the cold winter months. Don’t be deceived by average temperatures, although the Summer average is 28ºC some days feel like 38ºC and the further the distance from the sea the hotter it gets. Winter can be really cold and damp and if you travel just a few kilometres inland some nights register negative temperatures.
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Average Annual Weather
Average Annual Maximum Temperature
21.4ºC - 70.52ºF
Average Annual Minimum Temperature
11.5ºC - 52.7ºF
Sunshine Hours
+3000 hours (300 days)
Annual Average Rainfall
594mm (60 days)
Source: IPMA (based on statistics 1971-2000)
Average Annual Temperature in Vilamoura
There are many reasons to visit Vilamoura and the average annual temperature in this beautiful seaside resort is one of them. The average maximum temperature is 21.4ºC (70.52ºF), the hottest months being July and August registering an average over 30ºC(86ºF). The average annual minimum temperature is 11.5ºC (52.7ºF), January being the coldest month of the year with a mean 9.9ºC (49.8ºF). These great averages make Vilamoura a perfect destination for beach lovers and also one of Europe’s top golf destinations.
Rainfall in the Algarve occurs mostly in the winter months and generally in November, December and January. According to historical data the Algarve has approximately 600mm average rainfall a year and about 50% of that rainfall occurs in these three months. The rest of year is generally dry and for the past few years the region has suffered from droughts.
Sunshine hours
The average sunshine hours per day in Vilamoura varies from a minimum of 5 hours in Winter (December) to 12 hours in Summer (July).
Sea Temperature
The average sea temperature varies widely throughout the year and depends on currents and season. The average sea temperature ranges from 15ºC (59ºF) in winter to 21ºC (69.8ºF) in the summer months. The months with the warmest sea temperature in Vilamoura are July, August and September.
UV Index
During December and January the UV Index is a low 2 meaning no protection is required. February has a UV index of 4 (medium protection required) which increases every month reaching the highest value of 9 considered very high and where extra protection is required.