Vilamoura Weather in January


12ºC /54ºF

Temp. High

16ºC /61ºF

Temp. Low

8ºC /46ºF


5 hrs


78mm/9 days

UV Index


Weather in Vilamoura in January

Average Temperature in January

January is about as cold as it gets in Vilamoura with an average monthly temperature of 12ºC (54ºF). Maximum average temperatures are around 16°C during day, cold but not too chilly, time making it an ideal place to soak up some winter sun on your holidays. Temperature drops to a 8ºC at night so dress accordingly.


January in Vilamoura is also usually the wettest month of the year. With an average rainfall of 9 days (total of 78mm) there are still many rain-free days making this month a perfect destination for those who want some winter sunshine.

Sunshine hours

January is the month with the least sunshine hours, expect to get around 5 hours average and about 10 hours of daylight. You can still enjoy a warm sunny breakfast or lunch outside on the marina provided its not raining or windy.

Sea Temperature

Is it warm enough to swim in Vilamoura in January? Unfortunately not. The average sea temperature in January is 15.8ºC ranging from 14.3ºC to 17.5ºC. The only people will probably see in the ocean during this month are surfers and only on sunny days.

UV Index

UV Index during January is 2, the lowest of year. No protection is required during this month.

What´s Vilamoura like in January

What to wear in January

Expect cold nights and some rainy days so pack accordingly. 

Things to do in Vilamoura in January

  • shopping (January sales in most shops in Portugal)
  • day trips
  • markets
  • casino

New Year’s Eve and the first week of January are usually quite busy. The Algarve is a popular destination for Portuguese tourists attending the New Year’s Eve parties. Quarteira and Albufeira host the largest parties with live concerts on the beach and free  entrance. In Vilamoura the hotels and casino have their own entertainment. After the first week the resort will be enjoy its quietest period, many local business will shut for holidays.

Weather forecast for 1st week of January 2022
Weather forecast for 1st week of January 2022
Falesia Beach on 1st January 2022
Locals and tourists on Falesia Beach - 1st January 2022

Vilamoura Events in January