Vilamoura Weather in February
13ºC /55ºF
Temp. High
17ºC /63ºF
Temp. Low
8ºC /47ºF
7 hrs
72mm/5 days
UV Index
Weather in Vilamoura in February
Average Temperature in February
The weather in Vilamoura during February is very similar to January, slightly warmer and drier. The average monthly temperature is 13ºC (55ºF), with highs of 17ºC (63ºF) and lows of 8ºC (47ºC) at night. You can enjoy warm, sunny days in the Algarve until about 5pm, then the temperature starts to drop and be a bit chilly.
In February rainfall decreases and the average number of rainy days is 5 days, a bit drier than January. You should always expect some rain in the winter in Vilamoura but usually most days will be dry and sunny.
Sunshine hours
Finally the days get a bit longer in February and you can enjoy about 7 hours of sunshine. Sunny days in February are great for a long walk and breakfast on the Falésia Beach or a day trip to explore the Algarve.
Sea Temperature
Similar to January the sea temperature in February in the Algarve is quite cold (15ºC) and swimming is not advised.
UV Index
UV Index during February increases to 4 and you might require some sun protection.
What´s Vilamoura like in February
Vilamoura is fairly quiet in February. Although it is less likely to rain and a bit warmer the hotel prices are as cheap as in January. The golf courses will start to see some action before the golf season starts in March. You can get some really good deals for The Algarve during this month.
What to wear in February
Expect cold nights and possibly some rainy days. General rule in the Algarve is always wear layers as you can experience all four seasons in 24 hours during the winter months.
Things to do in Vilamoura in February
- Loulé Saturday Markets
- Shopping
- Valentine´s Dinner
- Golf
- Day trips
- Vilamoura Casino