Vilamoura Weather in November


15ºC /59F


6 hours


86mm / 7 days

UV Index


Weather in Vilamoura in November

Average Temperature in November

November marks the start to Portugal’s winter season and it is a beautiful time to visit Vilamoura with warm bright days. The weather during November is perfect for long walks along the beach, exploring historical sites or just enjoying the delicious Portuguese cuisine. Average high temperatures are about 19°C (66°F) during the day and night-time lows are around 11°C (52ºF).


November is usually one of the three rainiest months of the year, the other two being December and January. Expect to have a few raining days this month.

Sunshine hours

Vilamoura has an average of 6 hours sunshine in November, days are noticeably shorter as Daylight Saving Time ends at the beginning of the month. In 2021 the clocks will “fall back” one hour on 31st October.

Sea Temperature

Despite plenty of sunshine and some days with temperatures in the low 20’s, November sea temperature is a cold 17ºC (63ºF). Most water sports and boat tours will no longer be available from this month onward.

UV Index

The UV index is a measure of the strength of sun-burning radiation on any given day. On this scale, the monthly average of 3 means that it is moderately risky to be outside without protection. You should still wear sunscreen (SPF30+) and hats or seek shade during the hottest hours.

Saint Martin's Summer

Saint Martin is celebrated in Portugal on the 11th of November and during a short period we usually experience what the locals refer to as Verão de São Martinho – St. Martin’s Summer. This period of unseasonably warm and dry weather sometimes referred to as an Indian Summer or Second Summer lasts for a few days. Traditional celebrations for St. Martin’s involve roasting chestnuts and tasing the ‘new’ wine from the summer harvest.

What´s Vilamoura like in November

One of the best things about travelling to Vilamoura in November is that it’s low season, meaning prices are much more affordable and crowds of tourists have disappeared. Although some places close in November, there are enough bars and restaurants open during winter for you to have a great time. Around the marina you can enjoy lunch or drinks outdoors during the day, at night most restaurants will have indoor dining only.

The official beach season ends with October, which means there are no lifeguards on any of the beaches in the Algarve. Take extra care if you venture into the ocean. Other facilities on the beach such as restaurants and bars remain open, some with reduced hours or only on weekends. 

Water parks and similar attractions will close this month and remain closed until March/April of the following year. Aquashow has now a winter indoor area with heated pools and slides. Inauguration was postponed due to Covid in 2020 but this new attraction is expected to open in 2021. We will update this page as soon as it is confirmed.

If you enjoy long walks on the beach, visiting historical sites and towns, cycling or just relaxing in the winter sun, then this is a great month for you to visit. There are less things to do, less people around and less excitement, but it is really a great time to appreciate the resor and surrounding area.

What to wear in November

During the day if its sunny you can wear light clothing but we recommend having a jacket or jumper handy. At night and on raining or windy days it will be chilly and damp.

Things to do in Vilamoura in November

The best things to do in Vilamoura and the Algarve in November include sightseeing and exploring by land. The sea will probably be too cold and rough for any boat trips but the beach can be lovely on a sunny day. There are numerous types Day Trips available in the area like historical, cultural, rural or wine tastings.  Check out the Unusual Trips in the Algarve or Off Road Adventures most of these will be available in November.

Vilamoura Events