Vilamoura Weather in December
13.5ºC /56ºF
5 hours
117mm/12 days
UV Index
Weather in Vilamoura in December
Average Temperature in December
As December approaches, you can start to feel the cold in the Algarve. The average monthly temperature is around 13ºC (56ºF) ranging from an average high of 17°C (63ºF) to a low about 9°C (48ºF). December and January are the coldest months in the Algarve.
When visiting in December it is likely that you catch a few dreary, rainy days. The average rainfall for December here in Vilamoura is about 100mm spread out over 12 days. December is the wettest month of the year so be sure to pack accordingly.
Sunshine hours
Vilamoura will have an average of 5 hours of sunshine per day during this month, with the days getting shorter until the 21st.
Sea Temperature
In December the sea temperature will be a cool 17ºC (63ºF). The cold water, strong winds and rough sea make for challenging conditions for swimmers. You might want to skip the water sports activities during December.
UV Index
December will have a UV index of 2 – this is the lowest of the year and when no protection is required.
What is Vilamoura like in December
December and January will be very quiet months for Vilamoura and the Algarve. During this period many restaurants and bars will close for holidays. Most attractions will also close and even some hotels. There is still a good choice of restaurants and bars open especially around the marina area.
What to wear in December
Warm clothing would be the obvious answer but we suggest you also pack some t-shirts. On sunny days and provided there is no wind it can get really warm and you can comfortably wear short sleeves for a few hours during the day.
What is open in Vilamoura in December
- casino
- some restaurants and bars
- most shops
- golf courses
- day trips and tours
- some adrenalin sports
- jeep safaris
- markets in Quarteira and Loulé
Is it a good time to visit Vilamoura during December
If you’re expecting hot weather and a buzzing party atmosphere then no, December is not the best time to visit. If you came for the food, nature and just to relax around the hotel then December might be a good time for you. One of the advantages is that you can get some very good deals at this time of the year.