Vilamoura Weather in June


21ºC /70ºF

Temp. High

26ºC /79ºF

Temp. Low

17ºC /62ºF


12 hrs


5mm/ 0 days

UV Index


Weather in Vilamoura in June

Average Temperature in June

Vilamoura will probably be one of the warmest places in Portugal during the month of June. The average temperature is 21ºC (70º) but maximum temperatures can easily reach 30ºC during the daytime. Bright, dry, warm days and balmy nights during June are to be expected.


Rainfall in Vilamoura during June is unusual, the summer months are the driest of the year with an average of zero days of rain. 

Sunshine hours

The days in Vilamoura during June are the longest of the year, with 12 hours sunshine and 14.5 hours of daylight. Al fresco dining and sunset cocktails on the marina are a must during June.

Sea Temperature

Sea temperature in Vilamoura is an average of 19ºC (66ºF) in June. This is probably the first month of the year that you can bathe in the sea with a comfortable temperature. The winds are also calmer creating ideal conditions for boat trips and water sports. The official beach season starts in June so there will lifeguards on the beach and also facilities such as parasols and sun loungers are available for rent.

UV Index

The UV index of 9 in Vilamoura is very high during June. Make sure you use extra protection and avoid direct sunlight for prolonged periods. Use suncream SPF30+, hat, sunglasses and make sure to stay hydrated. 

What´s Vilamoura like in June

The atmosphere in Vilamoura during June is fantastic. The resort comes alive with beach goers, families, some golfers and local residents enjoying the summer vibe. 

What to wear in June

Wear light cooling clothes from June onwards, the sun and the heat can be particularly harsh. Full summer gear is required, day and night: flip flops, shorts, dresses, hats, sunglasses and swimwear. 

Things to do in Vilamoura in June

Vilamoura Events in June

  • June summer parties at the beach clubs
  • June music festivals – not in Vilamoura but Rock in Rio Lisbon is probably the biggest event this month in the country
  • June 2022 events to be confirmed