Vilamoura Weather in October

Temperature High

23ºC (74ºF)

Temperature Low

15ºC (59ºF)


7 hours


57mm/8 days

UV Index


Weather in Vilamoura in October

Average Temperature in October

October may be autumn, but the weather will probably still look like summer. The average daytime temperature is 23ºC (74ºF) and at night 15ºC (59ºF). This means that you can go to the beach but you’re also going to need a jacket for those chilly evenings.


The average rainfall in Vilamoura during the month of October is a moderate 57mm spread over 8 days, usually as short showers and not endless hours of of raining. 

Sunshine hours

Vilamoura enjoys 7 hours of sunshine in October and 11 hours of daylight. The hour changes on the last Sunday of October making the days a little shorter.

Sea Temperature

In October, the average water temperature in Vilamoura is a 20°C (68°F) a little cooler than the summer months. The average sea water temperature varies along the month depending on currents and other factors.

UV Index

Average UV Index in Vilamoura during October is a 5, this is considered medium and means there is a moderate risk of sunburning. Wear hat, sunglasses and suncream with an SPF30+ and seek shade at peak hours. Its still a great month to get a healthy suntan.

vilamoura weather in octobervilamoura weather in october

What is Vilamoura like in October and is it a good time to visit?

October is still a great month for a beach holiday with warm days and all attractions still open. Some activities are weather dependent (ex. boat trips) and therefore, cannot be guaranteed. This is the last month most water parks and water sports are open before closing for the winter break.

What to wear in October

The days are still very warm in October summer clothing and beachwear is mandatory. The nights, however, can be a bit chilly so pack accordingly.

Who visits Vilamoura in October

October is extremely popular with golfers and this month is considered high season for the sport in the Algarve. British families also visit visit Vilamoura for the half-term school break.  

Things to do in Vilamoura in October

Vilamoura Events